Concurrency by Tutorials (Second Edition): Multithreading in Swift with GCD and Operations
Authors: raywenderlich Tutorial Team – Scott Grosch
ISBN-10: 1950325016
ISBN-13: 9781950325016
Released: 2019-11-04
Print Length 页数: 134 pages
Book Description
The book that teaches you everything there is to know about how to write performant and concurrent code for your iOS apps.
Dive Into Concurrency in Your iOS Apps!
Learn what is Concurrency and why would you even want to utilize it in your apps? Learn about Grand Central Dispatch,Apple’s implementation of C’s libdispatch,also known as GCD,as it’s one of the simplest ways to queue up tasks to be run in parallel. Then,take on Operations & Operation Queues for when GCD doesn’t quite cut it; you’ll learn how to further customize and reuse your concurrent work. You’ll then learn common concurrency problems that you could face while developing concurrent applications,such as Race Conditions,Deadlocks,and more. Finally,understand threads and thread sanitizer and the various threading-related concepts and how these connect to the knowledge you’ve accumulated throughout this book. You’ll also learn how to use Thread Sanitizer to ease your debugging when things go wrong.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: GCD& Operations
Chapter 3: Queues & Threads
Chapter 4: Groups & Semaphores
Chapter 5: Concurrency Problems
Chapter 6: Operations
Chapter 7: Operation Queues
Chapter 8: Asynchronous Operations
Chapter 9: Operation Dependencies
Chapter 10: Canceling Operations
Chapter 11: Core Data
Chapter 12: Thread Sanitizer