Concepts of Programming Languages,12th Edition

Concepts of Programming Languages (12th Edition)
Authors: Robert W. Sebesta
ISBN-10: 0134997182
ISBN-13: 9780134997186
Edition 版本:‏ 12
Released: 2018-02-24
Print Length 页数: 784 pages

Book Description

For courses in computer programming.
Evaluates the fundamentals of contemporary computer programming languages
Concepts of Computer Programming Languages,12th Edition introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of computer programming languages and provides them with the tools necessary to evaluate contemporary and future languages. Through a critical analysis of design issues of various program languages,the text teaches readers the essential differences between computing with specific languages,while the in-depth discussion of programming language structures also prepares them to study compiler design. The 12th Edition includes new material on contemporary languages like Swift and Python,replacing discussions of outdated languages.


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