Computer Vision and Image Analysis for Industry 4.0

Computer Vision and Image Analysis for Industry 4.0 1st Edition
by Nazmul Siddique (Editor), Mohammad Shamsul Arefin (Editor), Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad (Editor), M. Ali Akber Dewan (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (June 12, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 197 pages
ISBN-10: 1032164166
ISBN-13: 9781032164168

Book Description
By finelybook

Computer vision and image analysis are indispensable components of every automated environment. Modern machine vision and image analysis techniques play key roles in automation and quality assurance. Working environments can be improved significantly if we integrate computer vision and image analysis techniques. The more advancement in innovation and research in computer vision and image processing, the greater the efficiency of machines as well as humans. Computer Vision and Image Analysis for Industry 4.0 focuses on the roles of computer vision and image analysis for 4.0 IR-related technologies. The text proposes a variety of techniques for disease detection and prediction, text recognition and signature verification, image captioning, flood level assessment, crops classifications and fabrication of smart eye-controlled wheelchairs.

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