Component-Based Rails Applications: Large Domains Under Control (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)
by: Stephan Hagemann
ISBN-10: 0134774582
ISBN-13: 9780134774589
Edition 版本: 1
Released: 2018-07-02
Pages: 304
Use Components to Improve Maintainability,Reduce Complexity,and Accelerate Testing in Large Rails Applications
“This book gives Ruby pros a comprehensive guide for increasing the sophistication of their designs,without having to forsake the principles of elegance that keep them in our corner of the software world.”
–Obie Fernandez,author,The Rails 5 Way,Fourth Edition
As Rails applications grow,even experienced developers find it difficult to navigate code bases,implement new features,and keep tests fast. Components are the solution,and Component-Based Rails Applications shows how to make the most of them.
Writing for programmers and software team leads who are comfortable with Ruby and Rails,Stephan Hagemann introduces a practical,start-to-finish methodology for modernizing and restructuring existing Rails applications.
One step at a time,Hagemann demonstrates how to revamp Rails applications to exhibit visible,provably independent,and explicitly connected parts–thereby simplifying them and making them far easier for teams to manage,change,and test. Throughout,he introduces design concepts and techniques you can use to improve applications of many kinds,even if they weren’t built with Rails or Ruby.
Learn how components clarify intent,improve collaboration,and simplify innovation and maintenance
Create a full Rails application within a component,from first steps to migrations and dependency management
Test component-based applications,manage assets and dependencies,and deploy your application to production
Identify the seams in an existing Rails application,and refactor it to extract components
Master a scripted,repeatable approach for refactoring Rails applications of any size
Use component-based Rails with two popular structural patterns: hexagonal and DCI architecture
Leverage your new component skills with other frameworks and languages
Overcome the unique challenges that arise as you componentize Rails applications
If you’re ready to simplify and revitalize your complex Rails systems,you’re ready for Component-Based Rails Applications.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Component-Based Rails Applications
Chapter 2 Creating a Component-Based Application
Chapter 3 Tooling for Components
Chapter 4 Component Refactorings: Extracting Components out of
Chapter 5 From Ball of Mud to First Components
Chapter 6 Component-Based Rails in Relation to Other Patterns
Chapter 7 Components in Other Languages
Component-Based Rails Applications Large Domains Under Control 9780134774589 c.pdf
Component-Based Rails Applications Large Domains Under Control 9780134774589.epub
Component-Based Rails Applications: Large Domains Under Control
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