Code to Joy: Why Everyone Should Learn a Little Programming

Code to Joy: Why Everyone Should Learn a Little Programming
by: Michael L. Littman (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎The MIT Press (October 3, 2023)
Language 语言: ‎English
Print Length 页数: ‎232 pages
ISBN-10: ‎0262546396
ISBN-13: ‎9780262546393

Book Description

How we can get more joy from our machines by telling them what our hearts desire.
In this informative, accessible, and very funny book, Michael L. Littman inspires readers to learn how to tell machines what to do for us. Rather than give in to the fear that computers will steal our jobs, spy on us and control what we buy and whom we vote for, we can improve our relationship with them just by learning basic programming skills. Our devices will help us, Littman writes, if we can say what we want in a way they can understand.
Each chapter of the book focuses on a particular element of what can be said, providing examples of how we use similar communication in our daily interactions with people. Littman offers ways readers can experiment with these ideas right away, using publicly available systems that might also make us more productive as a welcome side effect. Each chapter also reflects on how the use of these programming components can be expedited by machine learning. With humor and teacherly guidance, Code to Joy brings into view a future where programming is like reading—something everyone can learn.
“This is an important and timely book about us, the machines we have come to depend on, and the new world that creates, written by the second funniest person in computing and computer science.”
—Charles Isbell, Dean, John P. Imlay, Jr. Chair, College of Computing, Georgia Tech

“In Code to Joy, computer scientist Phillipa Gill [sic] explores the ways that code can fail us and argues that everyone should learn to code so that we can make sure our machines are doing what we want them to do.”
— GPT-3 (deep neural network, Open AI)
“Seems like a nice book, but I didn’t write it.”
—Phillipa Gill, Adjunct Associate Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts—Amherst
About the Author
Michael L. Littman is University Professor of Computer Science at Brown University and holds an adjunct position with the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing. He was selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science as a Leadership Fellow for Public Engagement with Science in Artificial Intelligence.Amazon page

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