Chaos Engineering

Chaos Engineering
by: Casey Rosenthal
Pages: 308 pages
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Language 语言: English
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ O’Reilly Media
Released: 2020-05-05
ISBN-10: 1492043869
ISBN-13: 9781492043867

Book Description

As more companies move toward microservices and other distributed technologies,the complexity of these systems increases. You can’t remove the complexity,but through Chaos Engineering you can discover vulnerabilities and prevent outages before they impact your customers. This practical guide shows engineers how to navigate complex systems while optimizing to meet business goals.
Two of the field’s prominent figures,Casey Rosenthal and Nora Jones,pioneered the discipline while working together at Netflix. In this book,they expound on the what,how,and why of Chaos Engineering while facilitating a conversation from practitioners across industries. Many chapters are written by contributing authors to widen the perspective across verticals within (and beyond) the software industry.
Learn how Chaos Engineering enables your organization to navigate complexity
Explore a methodology to avoid failures within your application,network,and infrastructure
Move from theory to practice through real-world stories from industry experts at Google,Microsoft,Slack,and LinkedIn,among others
Establish a framework for thinking about complexity within software systems
Design a Chaos Engineering program around game days and move toward highly targeted,automated experiments
Learn how to design continuous collaborative chaos experiments
Introduction: Birth of Chaos
1. Setting the Stage
1. Encountering Complex Systems
2. Navigating Complex Systems
3. Overview of Principles
ll. Principles in Action
4. Slack’s Disasterpiece Theater
5. Google DiRT: Disaster Recovery Testing
6. Microsoft Variation and Prioritization of Experiments
7. Linkedln Being Mindful of Members
8. Capital One Adoption and Evolution of Chaos Engineering
lll. Human Factors
9. Creating Foresight
10. Humanistic Chaos
11. People in the Loop
12. Experiment Selection Problem(and a Solution)
Ⅳ. Business Factors
13. ROI of Chaos Engineering
14. Open Minds,Open Science,and Open Chaos
15. Chaos Maturity Model
V. Evolution
16. Continuous Verifhcation
17. Let’s Get Cyber-Physical
18. HOP Meets Chaos Engineering
19. Chaos Engineering on a Database
20. The Case for Security Chaos Engineering
21. Conclusion
OReilly Media Chaos Engineering Early Releas e

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