C++: Effective Modern C++ (C++ 11,C++ 14)

C++: Effective Modern C++ (C++ 11,C++ 14) (guide,C Programming,HTML,Javascript,Programming,all,internet,Coding,CSS,Java,PHP Vol 1)
Authors: Paul Laurence
ISBN-10: 1547133244
ISBN-13: 9781547133246
Released: 2017-06-03
Print Length 页数: 50 pages
If you are a programmer or looking to get into programming,you are probably wondering what C++11 and C++ 14 have to offer. You’re probably wondering about their major differences and ultimately what it can do to help you code more effectively. This book is here to provide that information. C++11 and C++14 have made significant changes to improve not only a variety of libraries but also the core language. C++14 is the newest version of C++ which was released in August of 2014. Improvements in this version made the language not only convenient to use but also safer. This guide will provide more than just information. This guide will provide information on how the language has changed,how you can use it and examples of putting it all together in practice. This book will also provide details various problems and how to solve them from a C++11 and C++14 perspective. Use this book as your reference guide for some of the major features within C++11 and C++14.
Here is a preview of what you’ll learn:
Multithreading support
Generic programming support
Uniform initialization
C++ Standard Library

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