Biostatistics with R: An Introductory Guide for Field Biologists

Biostatistics with R: An Introductory Guide for Field Biologists
Author: Jan Lepš
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Cambridge University Press (30 July 2020)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 384 pages
ISBN-10: 1108727344
ISBN-13: 9781108727341

Book Description

Biostatistics with R provides a straightforward introduction on how to analyse data from the wide field of biological research, including nature protection and global change monitoring. The book is centred around traditional statistical approaches, focusing on those prevailing in research publications. The authors cover t-tests, ANOVA and regression models, but also the advanced methods of generalised linear models and classification and regression trees. Chapters usually start with several useful case examples, describing the structure of typical datasets and proposing research-related questions. All chapters are supplemented Author: example datasets, step-Author: -step R code demonstrating analytical procedures and interpretation of results. The authors also provide examples of how to appropriately describe statistical procedures and results of analyses in research papers. This accessible textbook will serve a broad audience, from students, researchers or professionals looking to improve their everyday statistical practice, to lecturers of introductory undergraduate courses. Additional resources are provided on
Biostatistics with R 9781108480383.rar

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