Big Data in Complex and Social Networks (Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series)
ISBN-10: 1498726844
ISBN-13: 9781498726849
Released: 2016-11-08
Pages: 252
SECTION I: Social Networks and Complex Networks
即 CHAPTER 1 Hyperbolic Big Data Analytics within Complex and Social Networks
即 CHAPTER 2 Scalable Query and Analysis for Social Networks
SECTION lI: Big Data and Web Intelligence
P CHAPTER 3 Predicting Content Popularity in Social Networks
P CHAPTER 4 Mining User Behaviors in Large Social Networks
SECTION ll: Security and Privacy lssues of Social Networks
P CHAPTER 5 Mining Misinformation in Social Media
I即 CHAPTER 6 Rumor Spreading and Detection in Online Social Networks
SECTION IV: Applications
即 CHAPTER 7 A Survey on Multilayer Networks and the Applications
I即 CHAPTER 8 Exploring Legislative Networks in a Multiparty System
CRC Big Data in Complex and Social Networks 9781498726849.pdf
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