Becoming an Agile Software Architect: Strategies,practices,and patterns to help architects design continually evolving solutions

Becoming an Agile Software Architect: Strategies,practices,and patterns to help architects design continually evolving solutions
by 作者: Rajesh R V
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing (19 Mar. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 372 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1800563841
ISBN-13 书号: 9781800563841

Book Description
A guide to successfully operating in a lean-agile organization for solutions architects and enterprise architects
Many organizations have embraced Agile methodologies to transform their ability to rapidly respond to constantly changing customer demands. However,in this melee,many enterprises often neglect to invest in architects by 作者: presuming architecture is not an intrinsic element of Agile software development.
Since the role of an architect is not pre-defined in Agile,many organizations struggle to position architects,often resulting in friction with other roles or a failure to provide a clear learning path for architects to be productive.
This book guides architects and organizations through new Agile ways of incrementally developing the architecture for delivering an uninterrupted,continuous flow of values that meets customer needs. You’ll explore various aspects of Agile architecture and how it differs from traditional architecture. The book later covers Agile architects’ responsibilities and how architects can add significant value by 作者: positioning themselves appropriately in the Agile flow of work. Through examples,you’ll also learn concepts such as architectural decision backlog,the last responsible moment,value delivery,architecting for change,DevOps,and evolutionary collaboration.
By the end of this Agile book,you’ll be able to operate as an architect in Agile development initiatives and successfully architect reliable software systems.

What you will learn
Acquire clarity on the duties of architects in Agile development
Understand architectural styles such as domain-driven design and microservices
Identify the pitfalls of traditional architecture and learn how to develop solutions
Understand the principles of value and data-driven architecture
Discover DevOps and continuous delivery from an architect’s perspective
Adopt Lean-Agile documentation and governance
Develop a set of personal and interpersonal qualities
Find out how to lead the transformation to achieve organization-wide agility

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