Becoming a Computational Thinker

Becoming a Computational Thinker

Becoming a Computational Thinker

Author: Paul S Wang (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎ Chapman and Hall/CRC

Edition 版本:‏ ‎ 1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ ‎ 2024-01-9

Language 语言: ‎ English

Print Length 页数: ‎ 332 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 1032568984

ISBN-13: ‎ 9781032568980

Book Description

This book has a single purpose: to help everyone become computational thinkers. Computational thinking (CT) is thinking informed by the digital age, and a computational thinker is someone who can apply that thinking everywhere and anywhere. Through practical examples and easy-to-grasp terminology, this book is a guide to navigating the digital world and improving one’s efficiency, productivity, and success immediately.

Given its pervasiveness, knowledge and experience of computation is a cornerstone of productivity, and improved thinking will lead to advances in every aspect of one’s life. In this way, CT can be thought of as the mutual reinforcement of thinking and knowledge of computation in the digital age. Comprising a rich collection of self-contained articles that can be read separately, and illustrated by pictures, images and article-end crossword puzzles, this book is an engaging and accessible route to ‘Becoming a Computational Thinker’ and achieving ‘Success in the Digital Age’.

Aimed at the general reader, this book provides insights that can be applied across the full spectrum of industries and practices, helping readers to not only adapt and function in the digital world but also take advantage of new technologies and even innovate new ways doing things.

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About the Author

Paul S. Wang is an author, computer scientist, researcher, consultant, and academic. He is a Ph.D. and faculty from MIT with over 40 years of experience in teaching and book publishing. His current interest is in introducing Computational Thinking to all the people.

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