Basic Probability: What Every Math Student Should Know, 2nd Edition

Basic Probability: What Every Math Student Should Know (second Edition)
Author: Henk Tijms (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ WSPC
Edition 版本:‏ 2nd
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2021-07-09
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 184 pages
ISBN-10: 9811238510
ISBN-13: 9789811238512

Book Description

The second edition represents an ongoing effort to make probability accessible to students in a wide range of fields such as mathematics, statistics and data science, engineering, computer science, and business analytics. The book is written for those learning about probability for the first time. Revised and updated, the book is aimed specifically at statistics and data science students who need a solid introduction to the basics of probability. While retaining its focus on basic probability, including Bayesian probability and the interface between probability and computer simulation, this edition’s significant revisions are as follows: •Many extra motivational examples and problems •New material on Bayesian probability, including two famous court cases •New sections on real-world applications of the Poisson distribution •New sections on generating functions and the bivariate normal density •New chapter on Markov chains, including Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation The approach followed in the book is to develop probabilistic intuition before diving into details. The best way to learn probability is by practising on a lot of problems. Many instructive problems together with problem-solving strategies are given. Answers to all problems and worked-out solutions to selected problems are also provided. Henk Tijms is the author of several textbooks in the area of applied probability. In 2008, he had received the prestigious INFORMS Expository Writing Award for his work. He is active in popularizing probability at Dutch high schools.


Reviews of the First Edition 版本:‏ “For high school AP Stat teachers who want to understand, and should want to understand, probability deeper than what the course curriculum requires, this book would be very helpful.” Martin Sternstein author of the bestseller Barron’s AP Statistics with Online Tests –Martin Sternstein
“What makes this book unique among books of similar size and scope is that when the author decided to include something in the book, he has treated it in a way similar to the common practice in textbooks, with very detailed and reader-friendly explanations, fully worked-out examples, and even numerous exercises … There are no prerequisites beyond second-semester calculus and the book can be used for self-study as well as in the classroom.” –Choice

About the Author

Henk Tijms is a Dutch emeritus professor of applied mathematics. He has taught probability for more than 30 years, and has authored several books, including the 2017 textbook Probability: A Lively Introduction and the 2018 popular-science book Surprises in Probability ― Seventeen Short Stories.

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