Available-to-promise With Sap S/4HANA: Advanced Atp

Available-to-promise With Sap S/4HANA: Advanced Atp (SAP PRESS)
February 23, 2023
by Sujeet Acharya(Author), Sandeep Mandhana(Author), Jibi Joseph Vadakayil(Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: SAP Press; First edition (February 23, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 385 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1493223097
ISBN-13 书号: 9781493223091

Book Description
See how SAP S/4HANA for advanced ATP improves your fulfillment process! Get aATP up and running in your system, and then explore functionality for each step of order processing, from scheduling to delivery. Find out how SAP Fiori apps simplify your key transactions, discover the BAdIs and APIs available for extending aATP, and apply multiple aATP capabilities across your business. With this comprehensive guide in your hands, it’s easier than ever to meet customers’ demand for your product!
Configure and run SAP S/4HANA for advanced ATP with step-by-step instructions
Master product availability check, backorder processing, alternative-based confirmation, product allocations, and more
Extend advanced ATP functionality with BAdIs and APIs

Learn the basics of how advance available-to-promise and order processing works in SAP S/4HANA. Then set up SAP S/4HANA for advanced ATP using step-by-step configuration instructions.
Business Processes
See aATP in action! Walk through subprocesses for all of your daily routines, including scheduling, product availability checks, supply protection, backorder processing, supply assignment, and confirmation.
Make aATP work for your business. Extend aATP’s functionality with APIs and learn how to use BAdIs for product allocation and alternative-based confirmation.
Product availability checks (PAC)
Product allocation (PAL)
Supply protection
Backorder processing (BOP)
Supply assignment (ARun)
Alternative-based confirmation (ABC)
Supply creation-based confirmation (SBC)
SAP Fiori applications

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