Augmented Reality: Fundamentals and Applications

Augmented Reality: Fundamentals and Applications
Author: Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas (Author), Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sánchez (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ CRC Press
Edition 版本:‏ 1st
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-06-03
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 210 pages
ISBN-10: 1032563710
ISBN-13: 9781032563718

Book Description

This book focuses on augmented reality (AR) technology, which uses the real environment to superimpose virtual elements. Therefore, the reader can create applications that simulate scenarios that can be dangerous or expensive to generate in the real world. AR has proven helpful in education, marketing, and industrial scenarios. AR technology improves the user experience of various disciplines, incorporating virtual information that maximizes the experience and adds knowledge. This book intends students, researchers, and developers to have the possibility of finding the foundations on which AR technology rests.

Our book intends that students, researchers, and developers: (i) learn the basics of AR; (ii) understand the technologies that support AR; (iii) know about AR applications that have been a watershed; (iv) gain an understanding of the critical elements needed to implement an AR application; (v) acquire skill in the step-by-step development of an AR application; (vi) learn how to use the instruments to evaluate an AR application; (vii) understand how to present the information about study cases; and (viii) gain knowledge about AR challenges and trends.

About the Author

Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas was born in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, on July 3, 1977. He earned a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico de Zacatepec, Mexico, in 2000; an M.Sc. in Computer Science at the Center of Research and Technological Development (CENIDET) in 2003; and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from CENIDET in 2006. He is a Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, where he heads the Computer Vision and Augmented Reality laboratory. Prof. Vergara is a level- one member of the Mexican National Research System. He serves several peer- reviewed international journals and conferences as an editorial board member and reviewer. He has co- authored over 100 book chapters, journals, and international conference papers. Vergara has directed more than 50 B.S., M.Sc., and Ph.D. theses. He is a senior member of the IEEE Computer Society and a member of the Mexican Computing Academy. His fields of interest include pattern recognition, digital image processing, augmented reality, and mechatronics.

Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sánchez was born in Cárdenas, Tabasco, México, on September 14, 1978. She earned a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul, México, in 2000; the M.Sc. degree in computer science at the Center of Research and Technological Development (CENIDET) in 2004; and the Ph.D. in Computer Science from CENIDET in 2010. She is a Professor at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, México. Prof. Cruz is a level- one member of the Mexican National Research System. She is a member of the IEEE Computer Society. Her fields of interest include neurosymbolic hybrid systems, digital image processing, knowledge representation, artificial neural networks, and augmented reality.

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