ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly

Title: ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly
Subject: Computer Science
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Syncfusion
Published: 2023
Pages: 79
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Language 语言: English
ISBN13: 9781642002287
ISBN10: 1642002283

Book Description

APIs are such a critical part of software that “API-first” has become a popular approach to development, one where the API is designed before the app itself is written. Without a well-designed API, your app is isolated from the greater app ecosystem. In ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss guides you through designing your own REST API, using it to return and modify data, and versioning it as you continue to develop it.
This open book is licensed under a Open Publication License (OPL). You can download ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly ebook for free in PDF format (1.6 MB).
Chapter 1Designing Your API
Chapter 2Returning Data with Your API
Chapter 3Modifying Data with Your API
Chapter 4Versioning Your API

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