Applied User Data Collection and Analysis Using JavaScript and PHP

Applied User Data Collection and Analysis Using JavaScript and PHP
by 作者: Kyle Goslin and Markus Hofmann
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (28 April 2021)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 346 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 036775682X
ISBN-13 书号: 9780367756826

Book Description
Applied User Data Collection and Analysis Using JavaScript and PHP is designed to provide the technical skills and competency to gather a wide range of user data from web applications in both active and passive methods. This is done by providing the reader with real-world examples of how a variety of different JavaScript- and PHP-based libraries can be used to gather data using custom feedback forms and embedded data gathering tools.
Once data has been gathered,this book explores the process of working with numerical data,text analysis,visualization approaches,statistics,and rolling out developed applications to both data analysts and users alike.
Using the collected data,this book aims to provide a deeper understanding of user behavior and interests,allowing application developers to further enhance web-application development.

Key Features:
Complete real-world examples of gathering data from users and web environments
Offers readers the fundamentals of text analysis using JavaScript and PHP
Allows the user to understand and harness JavaScript data-visualization tools
Integration of new and existing data sources into a single,bespoke web-based analysis environment
Applied User Data Collection and Analysis Using JavaScript and PHP

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