Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Sector

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Sector Hardcover 6, 2023
by: Yogesh Kumar Rathore Jyoti Prakash Patra (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; (January 26, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 168 pages
ISBN-13: 9798886975024

Book Description

This book was constructed with the syllabus of many countries’ universities in mind, so that undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and university researchers can utilize it for their studies. Chapter 1 of the book mainly focuses on the background of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in various fields. Chapter 2 presents the applications of Artificial Intelligence to save lives in rural areas. In Chapter 3, applications of Artificial Intelligence in pharmacies are explored. Chapter 4 is about the use of machine learning algorithms to extract and optimize features from the imaging of a diseased patient. Chapter 5 provides details about the machine learning techniques used to detect lung cancer and pneumonia. Chapter 6 examines applications of deep learning techniques to fight the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Chapter 7, the use of deep autoencoders in the fields of bio-medicine is described with its implementation, and Chapter 8 covers chronic disease diagnosis using Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. The last two chapters, Chapters 9 and 10 give focus to currently available health monitoring devices and possible improvements of their design along with the applications of IoRT (Internet of Robotics Things) in healthcare.
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