Applications and Techniques for Experimental Stress Analysis

Applications and Techniques for Experimental Stress Analysis
by: Karthik Selva Kumar Karuppasamy and Balaji P.S.
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ IGI Global; 1st edition (December 27,2019)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 269 pages
ISBN-10: 1799816907
ISBN-13: 9781799816904

Book Description

The design of mechanical components for various engineering applications requires the understanding of stress distribution in the materials. The need of determining the nature of stress distribution on the components can be achieved with experimental techniques.
Applications and Techniques for Experimental Stress Analysis is a timely research publication that examines how experimental stress analysis supports the development and validation of analytical and numerical models,the progress of phenomenological concepts,the measurement and control of system parameters under working conditions,and identification of sources of failure or malfunction. Highlighting a range of topics such as deformation,strain measurement,and element analysis,this book is essential for mechanical engineers,civil engineers,designers,aerospace engineers,researchers,industry professionals,academicians,and students.

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