Angular 2 Components

Angular 2 Components1785882341
Angular 2 Components
by: Nir Kaufman – Thierry Templier
ISBN-10: 1785882341
ISBN-13: 9781785882340
Released: 2016-11-30
Pages: 124

Book Description

Key Features
First look to the Angular 2 Components architecture
Creating your own Angular 2 Component
Integrating your components with third party components

Book Description

This book is a concise guide to Angular 2 Components and is based on the stable version of Angular 2. You will start with learning about the Angular 2 Components architecture and how components differ from Angular directives in Angular 1. You will then move on to quickly set up an Angular 2 development environment and grasp the basics of TypeScript. With this strong foundation in place,you will start building components.
The book will teach you,with an example,how to define component behavior,create component templates,and use the controller of your component. You will also learn how to make your components communicate with each other. Once you have built a component,you will learn how to extend it by integrating third-party components with it. By the end of the book,you will be confident with building and using components for your applications.
What you will learn
Break your application into reusable dynamic components
Take advantage of TypeScript in Angular 2
Migrate your Angular 1 directive to an Angular 2 Component
Understand the Angular 2 component structure and APIs
Hook to component life cycle events
Bind dynamic data to your component properties
Communicate with other components using events
Compose complicated UIs from simple components
About the Author
Nir Kaufman is the Head of Angular Development at 500Tech,a leading front-end consultancy in Israel. He is a passionate JavaScript developer,an international speaker,and an Angular evangelist.
Nir runs three local Angular community meetup groups in Israel. He also collaborates with other local Angular communities around the world.
Thierry Templier is a senior full stack developer with 17 years of experience. He has been a JavaScript addict for a long time now and started to work with the early versions of the language. He has a particular passion for Angular 2 and loves to help developers to use this framework,particularly on the StackOverflow website,where he has answered more than 1,900 questions.
He also enjoys writing articles to promote and explain Angular 2’s specific features on his blog ( and on the Restlet blog (
Chapter 1. Angular 2 Component Architecture
Chapter 2. Setting Up an Angular 2 Development Environment with angular-cli
Chapter 3. The TypeScript Primer
Chapter 4. Building a Basic Component
Chapter 5. Building Dynamic Components
Chapter 6. Component Communication
Chapter 7. Putting It All Together
Chapter 8. Integrating Third-Party Components
Chapter 9. Angular 2 Directives

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