Android Concurrency,1st edition (Android Deep Dive)
by G. Blake Meike
Print Length 页数: 224 pages
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Addison Wesley; 01 edition (20 Jun. 2016)
Language 语言: English
ISBN-10: 0134177436
ISBN-13: 9780134177434
Write Apps for Maximum Performance and Responsiveness
“Threading and concurrency are as important in mobile as they are in large,distributed systems. This book does an excellent job of re-introducing us to the basic concepts and describing how to apply them to the Android framework. Even the most experienced Android developer should pick up at least a few tricks from these pages.”
—Dave Smith,PE,Google Developer Expert for Android
Mastering concurrency is critical to developing software with superior performance and responsiveness. This is especially true for Android,where interruptions are frequent and abrupt,and in order to be correct,programs must be aware of component and process lifecycles in addition to being thread safe.
You need a deep,Android-specific understanding of concurrency—and Android Concurrency delivers it. This guide in Addison-Wesley’s Android Deep Dive series for experienced Android developers helps you leverage today’s multi-core processors and heavily cached architectures,as well as major improvements built into Android 5 (Lollipop).
Top Android developer and consultant Blake Meike strips the magic and mystery from concurrent programming and presents intensely practical solutions for everything from inter-thread communication to network communication. Meike introduces a simple but powerful architectural framework you can use to address new issues whenever they arise,and offers expert guidance for debugging even highly complex concurrency issues.
Android Concurrency combines in-depth knowledge,proven patterns and idioms,and world-class insights for avoiding performance-killing mistakes. For serious Android developers,it will be an indispensable resource.
You will
Gain new clarity about what concurrency really is,and how concurrent processes work
Master best practices for writing concurrent code that’s more robust and less susceptible to weird,hard-to-diagnose errors
Review the Java concurrency mechanisms Android’s constructs are built upon
Shape an approach to concurrency that reflects the unique characteristics of the Android environment
Avoid widespread misconceptions that lead Android developers into trouble
Make the most of AsyncTask—but only when it’s the right tool for the job
Leverage the powerful,lightweight Looper/Handler framework to support scheduled,asynchronous tasks and execute many message types
Use the Android Service component to separate business logic from UI
Understand the differences between started and bound services and use them effectively for intra- and inter-process communication
Perform scheduled tasks,including tasks requiring polling and explicit scheduling
Track down problems via static analysis,annotations,and assertions
Chapter 1 Understanding Concurrency
Chapter 2 Java Concurrency
Chapter 3 The Android Application Model
Chapter 4 Async Tasks And Loaders
Chapter 5 Looper/Handler
Chapter 6 Services,Processes,And Binder Ipc
Chapter 7 Periodic Tasks
Chapter 8 Concurrency Tools
-Dave Smith,PE,Google Developer Expert for Android
您需要一个深入的Android特定的并发理解,并且Android并发提供它。本指南在Addison-Wesley的Android Deep Dive系列中,为经验丰富的Android开发人员提供帮助,您可以利用当今的多核处理器和高度缓存的架构,以及Android 5(Lollipop)内置的主要改进。
顶尖的Android开发人员和顾问Blake Meike从并发编程中脱颖而出,并提供了从线程间通信到网络通信的强大实用解决方案。 Meike介绍了一个简单但功能强大的架构框架,可用于解决新问题,并提供专家指导,以调试甚至复杂的并发问题。
Android并发结合了深入的知识,经过验证的模式和成语,以及世界级的洞察力,以避免性能 – 杀死错误。对于严重的Android开发人员来说,它将是不可或缺的资源。
利用强大的轻量级Looper / Handler框架来支持调度的异步任务并执行许多消息类型
使用Android Service组件将业务逻辑与UI分开
第5章Looper / Handler
Android Concurrency
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