An Outsider’s Guide to Statically Typed Functional Programming

An Outsider’s Guide to Statically Typed Functional Programming
by: Brian Marick
Released: 2018
Pages: 508
Language 语言: English
Pages: PDF
Size: 11 Mb

Book Description

Dynamically typed functional languages like Clojure and Elixir are now at the point where I’d feel comfortable basing a commercial application on them. If you use Clojure instead of Java,or Elixir and Phoenix instead of Ruby on Rails,you’ll be fine. Your app might still fail,but that won’t be because of the technology stack.
Some statically typed languages mix functional programming and object-oriented programming. Some of them,like F# and Scala,are also safe choices.
This book was conceived as an attempt to demonstrate that the purer statically typed languages – ones like Elm,Haskell,and PureScript – are suitable for adoption by the early mainstream. That would require that they be well suited to handling messy domains,have the surrounding infrastructure necessary for language success in the modern day,and that the “how” of using the language features is well understood and accessible to a mainstream audience.

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