An Introduction to PHP: Learn PHP 8 to Create Dynamic Websites

An Introduction to PHP: Learn PHP 8 to Create Dynamic Websites
Author: Mark Simon (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Apress
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed.
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-03-08
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 651 pages
ISBN-13: 9798868801761

Book Description

Use PHP to enhance your web pages. This book shows you how PHP programming works, and how to write and organize PHP code.

The book starts with steps to download and install a setup for a sample website that will form the basis for upcoming chapters. You start by writing PHP code and learn how to mix it with HTML and manage the code. From there, you will learn about dynamic content, along with a deep dive into form processing and sending email. Saving uploaded data and uploading files is discussed next. You will learn how to configure your PHP project and develop a library. You will then learn how to create an image catalog and manage data on your web page. By the end of the book, you will understand how to work with cookies, sessions, and logging in, followed by an example of creating a simple blog that reiterates the concepts developed in the previous chapters.

After reading this book, you will be able to configure, create, and manage your dynamic website.

What Will You Learn

  • Know the basics of programming with the PHP language
  • Use PHP to generate dynamic web pages
  • Work with SQL databases
  • Work with forms to upload text data and binary files
  • Use tips and tricks to write clean and maintainable code

Who This Book Is For

Web developers and students learning to develop and maintain PHP code on their website

From the Back Cover

Use PHP to enhance your web pages. This book shows you how PHP programming works, and how to write and organize PHP code.

The book starts with steps to download and install a setup for a sample website that will form the basis for upcoming chapters. You start by writing PHP code and learn how to mix it with HTML and manage the code. From there, you will learn about dynamic content, along with a deep dive into form processing and sending email. Saving uploaded data and uploading files is discussed next. You will learn how to configure your PHP project and develop a library. You will then learn how to create an image catalog and manage data on your web page. By the end of the book, you will understand how to work with cookies, sessions, and logging in, followed by an example of creating a simple blog that reiterates the concepts developed in the previous chapters.

After reading this book, you will be able to configure, create, and manage your dynamic website.

What Will You Learn

  • Know the basics of programming with the PHP language
  • Use PHP to generate dynamic web pages
  • Work with SQL databases
  • Work with forms to upload text data and binary files
  • Use tips and tricks to write clean and maintainable code

About the Author

Mark Simon has been involved in training and education since the beginning of his career. He started as a teacher of mathematics and moved into IT consultancy and training. He has worked with and trained in several programming and coding languages, and currently focuses on web development and database languages. When not involved in work, Mark can be found listening to or playing music, reading, or just wandering about.

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