AI and Cloud Computing (Volume 120) (Advances in Computers,Volume 120)
by: Ali R. Hurson and Sheng Wu
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Academic Press (29 Jan. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 244 pages
ISBN-10: 0128211474
ISBN-13: 9780128211472
Book Description
AI and Cloud Computing,Volume 120 in the Advances in Computers series,highlights new advances in the field,with this updated volume presenting interesting chapters on topics including A Deep-forest based Approach for Detecting Fraudulent Online Transaction,Design of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems with Forensic-awareness Based on Deep Learning,Review on Privacy-preserving Data Comparison Protocols in Cloud Computing,Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using an Improved CNN with the Spatial Pyramid Pooling Structure,Protecting Personal Sensitive Data Security in the Cloud with Blockchain,and more.