Advanced IoT Technologies and Applications in the Industry 4.0 Digital Economy
Author: Alex Khang (Editor), Vugar Abdullayev (Editor), Vladimir Hahanov (Editor), Vrushank Shah (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: CRC Press
Edition 版本: 1st
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-02-27
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 394 pages
ISBN-10: 1032552042
ISBN-13: 9781032552040
Book Description
The application of internet of things (IoT) technologies and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled IoT solutions has gradually become accepted by business and production organizations as an effective tool for automating several activities effectively and efficiently and developing and distributing products to the global market. Within this book, the reader will learn how to implement IoT devices, IoT-equipped machines, and AI-equipped IoT applications using models and methodologies along with an array of case studies.
Advanced IoT Technologies and Applications in the Industry 4.0 Digital Economy covers the basics of IoT-equipped machines in developing and managing various activities in many industries. It discusses all of the key points of an AI-enabled IoT solution, which includes predictive analytics, robotic process automation, predictive maintenance, automated processes, IoT technologies and IoT-equipped sensors related to machines and processes, production testing systems, and product assessment processes in the production environment. The book presents the concepts and interactive methods using datasets, processing workflow charts, and architectural diagrams along with additional real-time systems for easy and fast understanding of the application of IoT-equipped machines and AI-enabled solutions in organizations and includes many case studies throughout the book to enforce reader comprehension.
This book is an ideal read for industry specialists, practitioners, researchers, scientists, and engineers working or involved in the fields of Robotics, IT, Computer Science, Soft Computing, IoT, AL/ML/DL, Data Science, the Semantic Web, Knowledge Engineering, and other related fields.
About the Author
Dr. Alex Khang, is a professor in information technology, AI and data scientist, software industry expert, and the chief of technology officer (AI and Data Science Research Center) at the Global Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, North Carolina, United States. He has over 28 years of teaching and research experience in information technology at the Universities of Science and Technology in Vietnam, India, and USA. He has published 52 authored books (in computer science 2000-2010), 2 authored books (software development), and 20 book chapters. He has published 10 edited books, and 11 edited books (calling for book chapters) in the fields of AI ecosystem (AI, ML, DL, IoT, Robotics, Data science, Big data, and Quantum computing), smart city ecosystem, healthcare ecosystem, Fintech technology, and blockchain technology (since 2020). He has over 28 years of working experience as a software product manager, data engineer, AI engineer, cloud computing architect, solution architect, software architect, database expert in the foreign corporations of Germany, Sweden, the United States, Singapore, and multinationals (former CEO, former CTO, former Engineering Director, Product Manager, and Senior Software Production Consultant).
Dr. Vugar Abdullayev, Doctor of technical Sciences, is an associate professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. Baku, Azerbaijan. He has completed his Ph.D. in computer science in the year 2005. He is currently as an associate professor of the “Computer engineering” department at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan. He is author of 61 scientific papers. His researchers related to the study of the cyber physical systems, IoT, big data, smart city and information technologies. He has published 4 book chapters and 02 edited books (calling for book chapters – Taylor and Francis) in healthcare ecosystem.
Dr. Vladimir Hahanov, Doctor of Science, Professor of Computer Engineering Faculty, Design Automation Department, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine. Previous positions: Acting Science Vice-Rector (2016), Dean of Computer Engineering Faculty (2003-2016). Supervisor for 4 Doctor of Science, 35 PhD’s, and 150 more engineers for 27 countries. General Chair of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium for 19 Years since 2003. IEEE Senior Member, since 2010. IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member, since 2010. IEEE member (No 41407206) since 2001. SAE Member, since 2016.
Dr. Vrushank Shah, Assistant Professor and Head of Department, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indus Institute of Technology and Engineering, Indus University, Rancharda, Via Shilaj Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. He has organized over 50 workshops, STTPs, FDPs, and webinars for the benefit of students. He has worked as a Deputy Director, Indus Center for Startups, Incubation and Innovation, Indus University and played a crucial role to develop 25+ Startups/PoCs/IPRs. He was involved the guiding the startups towards sustainability and upbringing of incubation center.