A Concise Introduction to Logic, 14th Edition

A Concise Introduction to Logic 14th Edition
by: Patrick J. Hurley (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Cengage Learning; 14th edition (March 30, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 752 pages
ISBN-10: 0357798686
ISBN-13: 9780357798683

Book Description

Over a million students have learned to be more discerning at constructing and evaluating arguments with the help of Hurley’s A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC. The text’s clear, student-friendly and thorough presentation has made it the most widely used logic text in North America. Studying logic offers multiple benefits. It helps you think through problems in an organized and systematic way. It instills patterns of reasoning that enable you to persuade others as to the correctness of your convictions, and it teaches you how to use language clearly and precisely. Doing well in logic improves your skills in ways that will help in your other courses, everyday life and future career. Additionally, for the 14th edition, the WebAssign online platform provides interactive exercises, online homework solutions, multimedia tutorials, help videos and the complete text in an eBook format.
About the Author
Patrick Hurley received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics (with a second major in philosophy and a minor in physics) from Gonzaga University in 1964 and his Ph.D. in philosophy of science with an emphasis in history of philosophy from Saint Louis University in 1973. In 1972, he began teaching at the University of San Diego, where his courses included logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics, process philosophy and legal ethics. In 1987, he received his J.D. from the University of San Diego, and he is currently a member of the California Bar Association. Retiring from teaching in 2008, Dr. Hurley continues his research and writing, including work on A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC and RELIGION, POWER AND ILLUSION (Prometheus Books, 2022). His interests include music, art, opera, environmental issues, fishing and skiing. He is married to Dr. Linda Peterson, who retired from teaching philosophy at the University of San Diego in 2015.Amazon page

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