5G Simplified: ABCs of Advanced Mobile Communications

5G Simplified: ABCs of Advanced Mobile Communications
Authors: Jyrki T. J. Penttinen
ISBN-10: 1086032608
ISBN-13: 9781086032604
Released: 2019-08-19
Print Length 页数: 168 pages

Book Description

5G Simplified – ABCs of Advanced Mobile Communications is a handy guide for capturing essential aspects of 5G. It demystifies the new generation in a simple and common-sense way without need for prior knowledge on mobile communications or engineering. This book is designed for everyone interested in modern mobile communications,including non-technical people as well as telecom and marketing students,specialists and managers. The book explains,in a compact form,a variety of 5G-related topics such as business aspects,virtualized network architecture,new radio and frequencies,functionality,security solutions,planning principles,and realities in real-world deployment. It also discusses current understanding on health considerations related to radio frequencies,and summarizes the most important 5G terminology. The author has a blog dedicated for this book at 5g-simplified.com which clarifies and updates the contents,and presents news from the 5G field.
This book thus demystifies 5G foundations in a common-sense yet concrete way,and serves as introductory material for all the interested ones with or without technical background. The focus is on key aspects and principles of the initial 5G phase,summarizing information from variety of sources,interpreting the advances of the industry,and “translating” 3GPP specifications into understandable language. It serves as an introduction to the more detailed topics presented in the 5G Explained book,too,which the author published with Wiley in 2019.
5G Simplified is not meant to be only one-time study material but it is designed to work as a longer-term,practical “light-weight handbook” both in eBook and printed formats which can be consulted as per need. The modularity helps to select and learn topics of interest in any order you like without need to read through the complete book at once.
5G Simplified demystifies the following themes:
Building Blocks of 5G: eMBB/URLLC/mMTC
Business Models
Cloud RAN and Core
Core Network
Edge Computing
Future (Where’s the 6G?)
Health Considerations
Java and APIs in 5G
Key Derivation
Location Based Services
Massive Internet of Things
Network Functions Virtualization
Network Slicing
Open Source
Patents and IPR
Planning of 5G Network
Quality of Service
Radio Network
SIM in 5G Era
Terminal States
User Equipment
Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications (V2V)
Virtual Reality (VR/AR/XR)
Voice Calls
World Radiocommunication Conference
5G is without doubt one of the most relevant topics of the mobile communications industry. For the ones planning to work in this field,5G provides interesting opportunities for years to come. Whether you aim to apply the knowledge into practice or are simply interested in 5G for fun,this is an excellent moment to study the most advanced cellular system on Earth up to day to understand its principles and potentials.

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