Wiley 第3页

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Large Language Models, Interfaces, and Industry Use Cases to Transform Ac...

Mathematics for Digital Science, Volume 1: Fundamentals (ISTE Consignment) Author:by Gerard-Michel Cochard (Author), Mha...

Become a Great Data Storyteller: Learn How You Can Drive Change with Data Author:by Angelica Lo Duca (Author) Publisher ...

Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding Author:by Tanya Janca (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:Wiley Edition 版本:1st edition...

Discrete-Event Simulation: Concepts and Production in Arena (ISTE Consignment) Author:by Abdessalem Jerbi (Author) Publi...

Introduction to Extended Reality (XR) Technologies Author:by Manisha Vohra (Editor) Publisher finelybook 出版社:Wiley-Scri...

Mobile Edge Computing and Communications: Driving Forces, Technology Foundation, and Application Areas (IEEE Press) Auth...

Service-Oriented Computing and System Integration: Software, IoT, Big Data, and AI as Services, 9th Edition Author:by Yi...

TEXTBOOK ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Author:by Rakesh Nayak C.V. Sastry (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:WILEY INDIA Edi...

Embedded Cryptography 1 (ISTE Invoiced) Author:by Emmanuel Prouff (Author), Guenael Renault (Author), Mattieu Rivain (Au...