Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Blazor: Create Powerful, Responsive, and Engaging Web Applications
Author: Brian Ding (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Mercury Learning and Information
Edition 版本: First Edition
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-08-06
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 308 pages
ISBN-10: 1501522671
ISBN-13: 9781501522673
Book Description
This book covers many different aspects of developing Blazor applications, a modern way to build rich UI web apps. It also introduces methods to leverage .NET and its eco-systems to build a modern enterprise application. It features WebAssembly and how it can be written in any programming language. The book also compares different Blazor hosting models and the strategy to select a model that suits specific business requirements. It is designed for web developers, software engineers, and tech enthusiasts looking to build robust, interactive web applications using ASP.NET Core Blazor. Using a demonstrative approach for Blazor learners, every chapter includes numerous code examples and a Blazor source code analysis. It covers basic Blazor directives and components and how these concepts can be combined together to build a more complex customized component. This book also explains some advanced techniques to control component rendering and improve performance. Companion files with code samples and color figures are available for downloading.
• Features code examples and detailed analysis to help you grasp Blazor concepts effectively
• Learn advanced component enhancement, performance optimization, and secure file handling
• Master modern deployment techniques with Docker and Kubernetes, ensuring your applications are production-ready
• Download companion files with code samples and color figures
About the Author
Brian Ding has over 8 years of experience in TypeScript and .NET development, specializing in areas such as WinForm, WPF, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET Core. Currently employed at BMW Archermind Information Technology Co Ltd, he holds the position of tech leader, where he focuses on creating engaging digital driving experiences for BMW customers. Throughout his career, Brian has worked in diverse domains including software development, DevOps, automation tools, and cloud technologies.
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