Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects: Learn to program displays and GUIs with Python

Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects: Learn to program displays and GUIs with Python – 15 Feb. 2021
by Ibrahim Dogan(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎Elektor International Media BV; (15 Feb. 2021)
Language 语言: ‎English
Print Length 页数: ‎301 pages
ISBN-10: ‎3895764213
ISBN-13: ‎9783895764219

Book Description

This book is about Raspberry Pi 4 display projects. The book starts by explaining how to install the latest Raspbian operating system on an SD card, and how to configure and use the GPIO ports.
The core of the book explains the following topics in simple terms with fully tested and working example projects
Simple LED projects
Bar graph LED projects
Matrix LED projects
Bitmap LED projects
LED strips
OLED displays
E-paper displays
TFT displays
7-inch touch screen
GUI Programming with Tkinder
One unique feature of this book is that it covers almost all types of display that readers will need to use in their Raspberry Pi based projects. The operation of each project is fully given, including block diagrams, circuit diagrams, and commented full program listings. It is therefore an easy task to convert the given projects to run on other popular platforms, such as Arduino or PIC microcontrollers.

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