Use of abstraction and logic in mathematics

Use of abstraction and logic in mathematics
by Olga Moreira (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎Arcler Press (December 1, 2022)
Language 语言: ‎English
Print Length 页数: ‎424 pages
ISBN-10: ‎1774695006
ISBN-13: ‎9781774695005

Book Description

“The Use of Abstraction and Logic in Mathematics” is an edited book consisting of 16 contemporaneous open-access articles that are essentially devoted to mathematical logic research, from classical to non-classical logical systems, from algebraic logic to fuzzy logic. The book addresses the following mathematical logic topics: first-order and higher-order logic; as well as infinitary, description, modal; fixed-point, algebraic and fuzzy logic. This book also includes examples of practical applications of logical systems in link prediction and image processing tasks, as well as in the training of neural networks and artificial intelligence. The intended audience of this book is undergraduate and graduate students, as well as junior researchers. Familiarity with first-order and higher-order logics, as well as set theory, and algebra is essential to grasp the concepts and methods described in this book.

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