Towards Extensible and Adaptable Methods in Computing

Towards Extensible and Adaptable Methods in Computing
ISBN-10: 981132347X
ISBN-13: 9789811323478
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed. 2018
Released: 2018-11-05
Pages: 407 pages
This book addresses extensible and adaptable computing,a broad range of methods and techniques used to systematically tackle the future growth of systems and respond proactively and seamlessly to change. The book is divided into five main sections: Agile Software Development,Data Management,Web Intelligence,Machine Learning and Computing in Education. These sub-domains of computing work together in mutually complementary ways to build systems and applications that scale well,and which can successfully meet the demands of changing times and contexts. The topics under each track have been carefully selected to highlight certain qualitative aspects of applications and systems,such as scalability,flexibility,integration,efficiency and context awareness.
The first section (Agile Software Development) includes six contributions that address related issues,including risk management,test case prioritization and tools,open source software reliability and predicting the change proneness of software. The second section (Data Management) includes discussions on myriad issues,such as extending database caches using solid-state devices,efficient data transmission,healthcare applications and data security. In turn,the third section (Machine Learning) gathers papers that investigate ML algorithms and present their specific applications such as portfolio optimization,disruption classification and outlier detection. The fourth section (Web Intelligence) covers emerging applications such as metaphor detection,language identification and sentiment analysis,and brings to the fore web security issues such as fraud detection and trust/reputation systems. In closing,the fifth section (Computing in Education) focuses on various aspects of computer-aided pedagogical methods.
Partl. Agile Software Development
Risk Assessment Framework: ADRIM Process Model for Global Software Development
An Extended Test Case Prioritization Technique Using Script and Linguistic Parameters in a Distributed Agile Environment
Auto let: Web Application Automation Tool
Prioritization of User Story Acceptance Tests in Agile Software Development Using Meta-Heuristic Techniques and Comparative Analysis
Software Reliability Assessment Using Deep Learning Technique
Empirical Validation of OO Metrics and Machine Learning Algorithms for Software Change Proneness Prediction
Partl. Data Management
Extending Database Cache Using SSDs
Cloud-Based Healthcare Monitoring System Using Storm and Kafka
Honeynet Data Analysis and Distributed SSH Brute-Force Attacks
Efficient Data Transmission in WSN: Techniques and Future Challenges
A Study of Epidemic Spreading and Rumor Spreading over Complex Networks
Medical Alert System Using Social Data
Partill. Machine Learning
A NovelFramework for Portfolio Optimization Based on Modified Simulated Annealing Algorithm Using ANN,RBFN,and ABC Algorithms
A Proposed Method for Disruption Classification in Tokamak Using Convolurtional Neural Network
Comparative Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Network Intrusion Detection Using Weka
Super-Intelligent Machine O perations in Twenty-First-Century Manufacturing Industries: A Boost or Doom to Political and Human Development?
Exploring Ensembles for Unsupervised Outlier Detection: An Empirical Analysis
Part IV. Web Intelligence
Effect of Classifiers on Type-ll Metaphor Detection
Multi-class Classification of Sentiments in Hindi Sentences Based on Intensities
Language ldentification for Hindi Language Transliterated Text in Roman Script Using Generative AdversarialNetworks
An Improved Similarity Measure to Alleviate Sparsity Problem in Context-Aware Recommender Systems
Trust and Reputation-Based Model to Prevent Denial-of-Service Attacks in Mobile Agent System
Fraud Detection in Online Transactions Using Supervised Learning Techniques
Part V. Computing in Education
Real-Time Printed Text Reader for Visually Impaired
Intelligent Task Assignment in a Crowdsourcing Platform
Teaching Algorithms Using an Android Application
Keyword Extraction Using Graph Centrality and WordNet
Hybrid Mobile Learning Architecture for Higher Education
Using Collaborative Robotics as a Way to Engage Students
Assessing Scratch Programmers’ Development of Computational Thinking with Transaction-Level Data

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