Thinking Machines: Machine Learning and Its Hardware Implementation

Thinking Machines: Machine Learning and Its Hardware Implementation
by: Shigeyuki Takano
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Academic Press; 1st edition (April 21,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 322 pages
ISBN-10: 0128182792
ISBN-13: 9780128182796

Book Description

Thinking Machines: Machine Learning and Its Hardware Implementation covers the theory and application of machine learning,neuromorphic computing and neural networks. This is the first book that focuses on machine learning accelerators and hardware development for machine learning. It presents not only a summary of the latest trends and examples of machine learning hardware and basic knowledge of machine learning in general,but also the main issues involved in its implementation. Readers will learn what is required for the design of machine learning hardware for neuromorphic computing and/or neural networks.
This is a recommended book for those who have basic knowledge of machine learning or those who want to learn more about the current trends of machine learning.

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