The Nature of Business Transformation: A Swarm Intelligent Approach to Reinventing Organisations

The Nature of Business Transformation: A Swarm Intelligent Approach to Reinventing Organisations
Author: Richard Kelly
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Routledge; 1st edition (February 25, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 272 pages
ISBN-10: 1032104961
ISBN-13: 9781032104966

Book Description

This book is a practical guide for business professionals to develop and improve business intelligence and collective decision making within their organisation. It proposes a progressive reconfiguration of the traditional business operating system using a nature-inspired framework called swarm facilitation that enables and facilitates collective decision-making.
Problem solving and decision making within organisations has followed the same rigid formula for over 100 years. It is dominated Author: centralised governance and pyramid decision making. Such an approach is no longer fit for purpose in an environment of employee disengagement, AI/superintelligence and Covid-19 fallout. Author: the end of this book, readers will be able to:
solve organisational problems and challenges collectively using swarm intelligence;
upgrade and futureproof business operating systems to reflect a more collective decision-making approach fit for the new connected
economy and Industry 4.0;
embrace mindset quotients that support people working in a more networked, self-organising and collective environment.
The book is important reading for leaders and managers who are focused on building organisational capital and engagement and gaining value from the emerging technology Author: evolving their business operating system into a digital ecosystem as part of an ongoing digital transformation strategy. It will also appeal to experts working in the field of organisational change and development, both within the organisation and as consultants.
The Nature of Business Transformation 9781032104980.rar

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