The C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the C++ standard library,2nd Edition includes C++17

The C++ Standard LibraryThe C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the C++ standard library,2nd Edition includes C++17
by: Rainer Grimm
Released: 2018
Pages: 251
Language 语言: English
Size: 10 Mb

Book Description

The C++ Standard Library is a quick reference to the standard library of the current C++17 standard.
Standard template library enables programmers to speed up application development using the built-in data structures and algorithms in their codes. The C++ Standard Library is a comprehensive guide to the updated library of classes,algorithms,functions,iterators,and containers and serves as the best reference to the current C++ 17 standard.
Starting with the introduction and history of the standard library,this book goes on to demonstrate how quickly you can manipulate various C++ template classes while writing your applications. You’ll also learn in detail the four types of STL components. Then you’ll discover the best methods to analyze or modify a string. You’ll also learn how to make your application communicate with the outside world using input and output streams and how to use the non-owning string objects with regular strings.
By the end of this book,you’ll be able to take your programming skills to a higher level by leveraging the standard C++ libraries.
Key Features
Study the history of the C++ standard library
Learn to create new functions using arbitrary functions
Explore how to create and delete containers
Discover how an iterator acts as a glue between the STL components
Understand how to run the algorithm with vectorization
Learn to use strings and regular expressions in your applications
Reader Testimonials
1.The Standard Library
3.Interface of All Containers
4.Sequential Containers
5.Associative Container
6.Adaptors for Containers
8.Callable Units
12.String Views
13.Regular Expressions
14.Input and Output Streams
15.Filesystem library


PDF, EPUB | 2020-02-07
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