Test Automation: A manager’s guide

Test Automation: A manager’s guide
by: Boby Jose
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ BCS,The Chartered Institute for IT (September 13,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 274 pages
ISBN-10: 1780175450
ISBN-13: 9781780175454
File size: conver PDF,epub

Book Description

The practice of test automation is invaluable for modern software testers. Done well,it significantly increases software testing\x27s efficiency,effectiveness and coverage and is essential for continuous testing and continuous delivery. This comprehensive guide covers test automation in\-depth,from the benefits of test automation to defining,developing and implementing a test automation approach that is fit\-for\-purpose,to planning,designing and executing test execution scripts and frameworks. Real\-world scenarios,activities and exercises are included throughout.
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