Tele-Healthcare: Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Techniques

Tele-Healthcare: Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Techniques 1st Edition
Author: R. Nidhya,Manish Kumar,S. Balamurugan (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Wiley-Scrivener; 1st edition (August 2, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 1119841763
ISBN-13: 9781119841760

Book Description

This book elucidates all aspects of tele-healthcare which is the application of AI, soft computing, digital information, and communication technologies, to provide services remotely and manage one’s healthcare.
Throughout the world, there are huge developing crises with respect to healthcare workforce shortages, as well as a growing burden of chronic diseases. As a result, e-health has become one of the fastest-growing service areas in the medical sector. E-health supports and ensures the availability of proper healthcare, public health, and health education services at a distance and in remote places. For the sector to grow and meet the need of the marketplace, e-health applications have become one of the fastest growing areas of research. However, to grow at a larger scale requires the following:
The availability of user cases for the exact identification of problems that need to be visualized.
A well-supported market that can promote and adopt the e-health care concept.
Development of cost-effectiveness applications and technologies for successful implementation of e-health at a larger scale.
This book mainly focuses on these three points for the development and implementation of e-health services globally.
In this book the reader will find:
Details of the challenges in promoting and implementing the telehealth industry.
How to expand a globalized agenda of personalized telehealth in integrative medical treatment for disease diagnosis and its industrial transformation.
How to design machine learning techniques for improving the tele-healthcare system.
Researchers and post-graduate students in biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, and information technology; medical doctors and practitioners and industry experts in the healthcare sector; healthcare sector network administrators.

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