Introduction to Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning (Mit Press) Author:by Eugene Charniak (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:The MIT Press Edi...
Introduction to Deep Learning (Mit Press) Author:by Eugene Charniak (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:The MIT Press Edi...
Smart Homes in easy steps: Master smart technology for your home Author:by Nick Vandome (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版...
Ultimate Midjourney for Creative Professionals: Unleash Creativity, Elevate Visual Storytelling, and Transform Your Arti...
SAP Master Data Governance: The Comprehensive Guide to SAP MDG (Third Edition) (SAP PRESS) Author:by Bikram Dogra (Autho...
Seeing Like a Platform: An Inquiry into the Condition of Digital Modernity (Complexity in Social Science) Author:by Pett...
Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python Starter Bundle Dr. Adrian Rosebrock 1st Edition (1.1.0) Copyright c 2017 A...
Mastering Computer Vision with PyTorch 2.0: Discover, Design, and Build Cutting-Edge High Performance Computer Vision So...
Human Power: Seven Traits for the Politics of the AI Machine Age Author:by Gry Hasselbalch (Author) Publisher finelybook...
AI for Creatives: Unlocking Expressive Digital Potential Author:by Vivian Ching (Author), Dinesh Mothi (Author) Publishe...
Mastering Computer Vision with PyTorch 2.0: Discover, Design, and Build Cutting-Edge High Performance Computer Vision So...