Quantum Image Processing in Practice: A Mathematical Toolbox
Quantum Image Processing in Practice: A Mathematical Toolbox Author:by Artyom M. Grigoryan (Author), Sos S. Agaian (Auth...
Quantum Image Processing in Practice: A Mathematical Toolbox Author:by Artyom M. Grigoryan (Author), Sos S. Agaian (Auth...
Navigating the Product Galaxy: A Practical Handbook for Product Managers Author:by Michele Galli (Author) ASIN:B0DJQHQ8M...
Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement Author:by Victoria L. Bernhardt (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:Routl...
Industry Innovation in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: The AI Compass (CRC Press Women in AI Series) Author:by Xiaom...
Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 7, The: Constraint Satisfaction Author:by Donald Knuth (Author) Publishe...
Mastering Neural Network Computer Vision with TensorFlow and Keras: A practical guide to image use cases like object det...
Generative AI for Everyone: Deep learning, NLP, and LLMs for creative and practical applications (English Edition) Autho...
Digital Image Processing Using Python: A comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of digital image processing (English Ed...
Integrated Technologies in Electrical, Electronics and Biotechnology Engineering Author:by Gaurav Aggarwal (Editor), Ash...
Banking on (Artificial) Intelligence: Navigating the Realities of AI in Financial Services Author:by Theodora Lau (Autho...