Hausdorff Calculus: Applications to Fractal Systems
Hausdorff Calculus: Applications to Fractal Systems (Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 6) Author:...
Hausdorff Calculus: Applications to Fractal Systems (Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 6) Author:...
Introduction to Financial Mathematics (Advances in Applied Mathematics) Author: Kevin J. Hastings (Author) Publisher fin...
Analysis on Fock Spaces and Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields: An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis of Quantum F...
Make Your Own Neural Network Author: Tariq Rashid (Author) Publication Date 出版日期: 2016-03-31 Language 语言: English Print...
Advanced Algebra Author: Gongxiang Liu Qingzhong J Nanqing Ding (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: World Scientific Pub...
Calculus Author: William Briggs (Author), Lyle Cochran (Author), Bernard Gillett (Author), Eric Schulz (Author) Publishe...
Open-Source Security Operations Center (SOC): A Complete Guide to Establishing, Managing, and Maintaining a Modern SOC A...
The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems (Princeton Science Library) Author: Mark Levi (Aut...
The Four Corners of Mathematics: A Brief History, from Pythagoras to Perelman (AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Se...
Advances in Mathematics Education Research Author: Joanne M. Stiles Michael Voskoglou (Editor) ASIN: B0DHY1V58R Publishe...