The Electrifying Nervous System
The Electrifying Nervous System (God’s Wondrous Machine) by: Lainna Callentine ISBN-10: 0890518335 ISBN-13: 978089...
The Electrifying Nervous System (God’s Wondrous Machine) by: Lainna Callentine ISBN-10: 0890518335 ISBN-13: 978089...
Machine Learning,revised and updated edition (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) by: Ethem Alpaydin Publisher fin...
Machine Learning Bookcamp: Build a portfolio of real-life projects by: Alexey Grigorev Publisher finelybook 出版社: Mannin...
Stochastic Optimization for Large-scale Machine Learning Author: Vinod Kumar Chauhan Publisher finelybook 出版社: CRC Pres...
Machine Learning with Amazon SageMaker Cookbook: 80 proven recipes for data scientists and developers to perform machine...
The Digital Journey of Banking and Insurance,Volume III: Data Storage,Data Processing and Data Analysis Author: Volker L...
The Digital Journey of Banking and Insurance,Volume II: Digitalization and Machine Learning (Digital Journey of Banking ...
Hardware Hacking Handbook,The: Breaking Embedded Security with Hardware Attacks Author: Jasper Van Woudenberg and Colin ...
Beginning Apache Spark 3: With DataFrame,Spark SQL,Structured Streaming,and Spark Machine Learning Library Author: Hien ...
Reinventing Manufacturing and Business Processes Through Artificial Intelligence (Innovations in Big Data and Machine Le...