Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide: Master containerized application deployments, integrate enterprise systems, and achiev...
Explore Software Defined Radio: Use SDR to Receive Satellite Images and Space Signals Author: Wolfram Donat (Author) Pub...
ROS 2 from Scratch: Get started with ROS 2 and create robotics applications with Python and C++ Author: Edouard Renard (...
IDS and IPS with Snort 3: Get up and running with Snort 3 and discover effective solutions to your security issues Autho...
Zabbix 7 IT Infrastructure Monitoring Cookbook: Explore the new features of Zabbix 7 for designing, building, and mainta...
Real-World Edge Computing: Scale, secure, and succeed in the realm of edge computing with Open Horizon Author: Robert Hi...
C++ Essentials For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Author: John Paul Mueller (Author), Ronald Mak (Editor) Publish...
Pen Testing from Contract to Report Author: Alfred Basta (Author), Nadine Basta (Author), Waqar Anwar (Author) Publisher...
Robotic Process Automation Technology in Supply Chain Management: Practical Applications for Simplifying Workflows Autho...
Seven Obscure Languages in Seven Weeks: Rediscovering the Tools That Built the Future Author: Dmitry Zinoviev (Author) A...