Enterprise Applications with C# and .NET: Develop robust, secure, and scalable applications using .NET and C#
Enterprise Applications with C# and .NET: Develop robust, secure, and scalable applications using .NET and C# (English E...
Enterprise Applications with C# and .NET: Develop robust, secure, and scalable applications using .NET and C# (English E...
360° Vulnerability Assessment with Nessus and Wireshark: Identify, evaluate, treat, and report threats and vulnerabiliti...
API Analytics for Product Managers: Understand key API metrics that can help you grow your business by Deepa Goyal(Autho...
Fullstack Rust: The Complete Guide to Building Apps with the Rust Programming Language and Friends Kindle Edition by And...
3D Printing with SketchUp: Use SketchUp to generate print-ready models and transform your project from concept to realit...
Practical OpenTelemetry: Adopting Open Observability Standards Across Your Organization 1st ed. Edition by Daniel Gomez ...
Real World AI Ethics for Data Scientists (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series) 1st Edition by Nachshon (Sean) Go...
Cybertax: Managing the Risks and Results (IT Pro Practice Notes) 1st Edition by George K. Tsantes(Author), James Ransome...
Cambridge Primary Computing Learner’s Book Stage 3 Paperback by Roland Birbal(Author), Michele Taylor(Author), Naz...
Big Data Analytics in Fog-Enabled IoT Networks: Towards a Privacy and Security Perspective 1st Edition by Govind P. Gupt...