Soft Computing Applications for Advancements in Power Systems
Title: Soft Computing Applications for Advancements in Power Systems (River Publishers Series in Power) By: by Vijay Kum...
Title: Soft Computing Applications for Advancements in Power Systems (River Publishers Series in Power) By: by Vijay Kum...
Vector and Complex Calculus: A Textbook for Students of the Physical Sciences Author: Fabian Waleffe (Contributor) Publi...
Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld Author: Jeffrey Caruso (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: O’Re...
Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals (Oracle Press for Java) 13th Edition Author: Cay Horstmann (Author) Publisher finelybo...
Digital Control of Power Converters Using Arduino and an STM32 Microcontroller Author: Majid Pakdel (Author) Publisher f...
Privacy-preserving Computing: for Big Data Analytics and AI Author: Kai Chen (Author), Qiang Yang (Author) Publisher fin...
The Ray Tracer Challenge: A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer (Pragmatic Bookshelf) Author: Jamis Buck (Author...
Kotlin Exercises Author: Marcin Moskała (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:Marcin Moskała Edition 版本: 1st Publication D...
GraphQL Best Practices: Hands-on experience with schema design, security, and error handling for developers Author: Artu...
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) – A practical Introduction: A Field Manual (River Publishers Series in Computing and In...