Series: Control,Robotics and Sensors
Pages: 544 pages
Publisher finelybook 出版社: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (November 30,2018)
Language 语言: English
ISBN-10: 1785616293
ISBN-13: 9781785616297
Swarm Intelligence (SI) is one of the most important and challenging paradigms under the umbrella of computational intelligence. It focuses on the research of collective behaviours of a swarm in nature and/or social phenomenon to solve complicated and difficult problems which cannot be handled by traditional approaches. Thousands of papers are published each year presenting new algorithms,new improvements and numerous real world applications. This makes it hard for researchers and students to share their ideas with other colleagues; follow up the works from other researchers with common interests; and to follow new developments and innovative approaches. This complete and timely collection fills this gap by presenting the latest research systematically and thoroughly to provide readers with a full view of the field of swarm. Students will learn the principles and theories of typical swarm intelligence algorithms; scholars will be inspired with promising research directions; and practitioners will find suitable methods for their applications of interest along with useful instructions.
Volume 2 includes 17 chapters covering front-edge research with novel and newly proposed algorithms and methods.
With contributions from an international selection of leading researchers,Swarm Intelligence is essential reading for engineers,researchers,professionals and practitioners with interests in swarm intelligence.
Swarm Intelligence Volume 2: Innovation,new algorithms and methods
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Embedded Cryptography 3
The Intersection of 6G, AI/Machine Learning, and Embedded Systems: Pioneering Intelligent Wireless Technologies
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Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices