Super Study Guide: Algorithms & Data Structures

Super Study Guide: Algorithms & Data Structures

Super Study Guide: Algorithms & Data Structures

Author: Afshine Amidi (Author), Shervine Amidi (Author)

ASIN: B0B2TW6896

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Independently published‎

Edition 版本:‏ N/A

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2022-06-4

Language 语言: English

Print Length 页数: 151 pages

ISBN-13: 9798413681985

Book Description

This book is a concise and illustrated guide for anyone who wants to brush up on their fundamentals in the context of coding interviews, computer science classes or to satisfy their own curiosity.

It is divided into 4 parts:

  • Foundations: main types of algorithms and related mathematical concepts
  • Data structures: arrays, strings, queues, stacks, hash tables, linked lists and associated theorems and tricks
  • Graphs and trees: graph concepts and graph traversal algorithms along with important types of trees
  • Sorting and search: common, efficient sorting and search algorithms


PDF | 3 MB | 2024-11-25
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