Strategic Workforce Planning: Best Practices and Emerging Directions

Strategic Workforce Planning: Best Practices and Emerging Directions (The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Professional Practice Series)
Author: Marc B. Sokol (Editor), Beverly A. Tarulli (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Oxford University Press
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-03-29
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 424 pages
ISBN-10: 0197759742
ISBN-13: 9780197759745

Book Description

Industrial-organizational psychologists increasingly advise organizations on talent planning, executive succession, workplace design, and better ways to ensure the future supply of talent: a suite of practice areas that comprise strategic workforce planning (SWP). This volume provides an overview of SWP, covering best practices across organization types, geographies, and methodologies, and addressing new directions in the field. Contributors share case examples and experience-based insights, spanning the evolution of SWP, best practices for analytics and consulting, maturity models, how SWP can be practiced in large companies inside and outside the United States, in high- and low-growth environments, and when to organize around planning for future tasks vs planning for future roles. As well as discussing changes in the workforce and workplace due to global disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of quickly evolving technologies, this book re-examines what SWP is and can be, how it is conducted, and what impact it can have on individual organizations and beyond.

About the Author

Marc B. Sokol, PhD, is President of Sage Consulting Resources. He has worked in large and small firms, in the public and private sectors, in both internal and external roles, across 25 countries, as an expatriate executive, and now leads his own firm.
Beverly A. Tarulli, PhD, is Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University, leading the human capital analytics and technology master’s degree program. She is also the founder and president of Novius Consulting.

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