Strategic Value Creation: Design and Execute a Strategy for Breakthrough Returns

Strategic Value Creation: Design and Execute a Strategy for Breakthrough Returns
by 作者: Rupert Morrison (Author), Jon Andrew (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Kogan Page
Edition 版本: 1st
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-06-25
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 408 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1398615935
ISBN-13 书号: 9781398615939

Book Description

Strategic Value Creation shows how senior business leaders can design and execute a data-driven strategy for their organizations to ensure that value creation is focused on the customer segments most integral to business success.

Value creation underpins any successful business and businesses that fail to create unique value for their customers will struggle to survive. This book demonstrates how to recognize when strategy, thinking and actions are flawed, how to correct these and how to devise and implement an effective strategy that unlocks the power of value creation. It provides the practical tools necessary to put strategic theories and frameworks into practice and explains the data needed at every step.

Strategic Value Creation
shares the powerful 4Ds framework for strategy execution: Diagnose today, Design tomorrow, Draw the plan and Deliver with data. This framework outlines how to use data for diagnosis, analyse value factors for customer segmentation, determine the value factors their customers value the most and ensure differentiation from competitors. It also covers how to track and measure performance against stated objectives and risks, improve board packs, board back commentary and board meeting effectiveness, and capture and categorize actions, ensuring they are managed effectively.


“A fun book to read! It is informative and personal. There are so many insights covered to agree with. Concepts are distilled into pragmatic tools that make them easily applicable. The passion with which the book is written gives life to its theory and concepts. This embodies one of its ideas, that strategy is about passion which powers people to do great things.” ― Pär Åström, President, Gardena Division and EVP, Husqvarna Group

“I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. It’s a collection of valuable insights. It focusses on how to streamline board documents, so they are not only better but have significantly more impact in helping to steer businesses properly. Ultimately, the board is held accountable, and businesses are run by the board through the board meetings. Board meetings are a function of board documents, and we have all lived with poor board documentation and often equally poor meetings. I believe that Rupert and Jon’s understanding and ideas to improve strategy and run businesses, in which board documentation is key, are invaluable. This book is infused with hard-won wisdom. I would recommend this read for anyone remotely interested in organizations, business or strategy at any level.” ― Ian Kantor, Co-Founder, Investec

“An excellent book for anyone implementing or guiding strategic value creation. Rather than focussing on a specific aspect, it captures the full process from its thought-provoking introduction, methodical approach and tools for effective implementation. This isn’t just a one-time read; it’s a reference to revisit.” ― Martin Squier, Partner, Horizon Capital LLP

“A timely reminder of some of what I had previously learned and a provoking challenge to my current thinking and behaviour, in an environment that only seems to become more challenging. Immensely approachable, Strategic Value Creation caused me to reflect, consider and then go back for more.” ― Jonathan Lawson, CEO, Liberation Group

“A book that distils, clarifies and synthesises the leading theories on strategy in a way that is invaluable to our business. I must have read 40 books on strategy. Strategic Value Creation is a masterful synthesis of what, until now, appeared to be competing ideas. An indispensable guide and reference book for every entrepreneur working on an audacious goal.” ― James Cartwright, Co-Founder, Grocery Post

“For those feeling the strain of turning strategy into reality, this is a very good guide. Strategic Value Creation empowers you to craft a concrete, actionable plan using core principles of competitive strategy. It’s a practical guide that managers from any industry can make a companion in their day-to-day decision-making.” ― Pinar Ozcan, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

“Laying out a clear, compelling and insightful framework for thinking about strategy and value creation, Strategic Value Creation is founded on a rich vein of research, whilst being packed with practical tools and approaches grounded in real-world application. It draws on Rupert and Jon’s decades of experience to provide CEOs and boards with a route-map for strategy design and execution, with a particular emphasis on driving value creation in a private equity context.” ― Paul Reading, Chief Strategy Officer, Mayfair Equity Partners

“Every business strategy book I have read has been based on a formula of starting with a long-winded theory and methodology and then repeating that theory and methodology in each chapter of the book. Strategic Value Creationprovides an incisive and tremendously useful synthesis of multiple theories, illustrated with real human experiences, and then grounds them in applicable actions that can be taken by any business leader the very same day. It’s a daily handbook to leading a business.” ― John Brown, Founder and CEO, Don’t Cry Wolf

“A must-read for everyone involved in strategy development and value creation. Rupert and Jon build on the existing know-how and skilfully enhance the body of knowledge. The book is a future classic full of wisdom, insights and actionable frameworks from authors who have not only done the research but created value for share- and stakeholders in the real world. In particular, boards will see value in a well-structured strategy/value creation process, clearly established metrics, systematic tracking and the synthesis thereof in dashboards that provide the insights they need for their decision-making processes.” ― Sabine Dembkowski, Managing Partner, Better Boards

“A must-read for anyone embarking on a private equity journey – whether as a manager, investor, chief of staff or NED. By bridging the theory with the practical, this book will help guide you through the challenges, avoid the pitfalls and make the most of the opportunities. It provides academic frameworks and real-life case studies to bring it all to life. Jon and Rupert have proven themselves perfectly placed to help readers navigate the minefield of high-growth situations.” ― James Hurrell, Partner, Bridges Fund Management

“A comprehensive and important insight into the world of value creation. Both newcomers and experienced practitioners will find this an invaluable, accessible and practical reference tool.” ― Richard Swann, Partner, Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP

“They have actually cracked the code and developed the ultimate toolkit for CEO’s, faced with jumping off the wooden plank and into the world of private equity. With all those board meetings to prepare for, strategy sessions, operational and financial reporting deadlines, sustainability reports, (oh and running a business!), etc. I can tell you that you only have time to keep one guidebook to hand. And this book hits you straight out of the blocks – get the right culture, the right talent, all agree on a strategy, get the funding, develop a viable economic model and you’re in good shape. As a team, you’re all in the Maori waka, paddling in the same direction like your lives depend on it! Please read every page of this book, keep it in your bag at all times and if you’re fortunate enough to meet Jon or Rupert, you’ll probably be happy to acknowledge that you owe them that pint of ale!” ― David Fletcher, CEO, GEV Wind Power

“Without a clear and well communicated plan and process for sharpening the team’ focus on value creation delivering investor returns is impossible – this is a first class guide to planning, implementing and monitoring value creation from Rupert, Jon and the team at Arahi.” ― Sam Smith, Co-Founder and CEO, PEPTalks

“This is the first business book I have read that creates a clear thread from strategy through to value creation and then to the contents of the board report. It is the reference book all ambitious board members should have in their briefcase.” ― Gary Flowers, Serial Chair including, NSW Institute of Sport, Rawson Group, RIGCOM

“This practical and thoughtful work provides the structure to drive effective decisions, the tools that enable leadership teams to create a plan that delivers tangible value and shares the wisdom that Rupert and Jon have gathered through their own demonstrable business successes. We have applied value creation planning in our own business. It is a ‘north star’ for the whole business as well as enabling alignment with shareholders and the rest of the business.” ― Ruth Poole, CEO, Preventx

“Jon and Rupert are the UK experts in the field of creating equity value for PE firms and the management teams they work with. If you want a guide on how to appraise your business and plot the path to maximising its value, this book is essential reading.” ― Bernard Dale, Managing Partner, Connection Capital

“An excellent fusion of some of the most powerful strategy concepts, brought together and overlaid with Jon and Rupert’s broad and deep experience. Its guidance on starting with a focus on purpose and vision, while putting in place the foundations for growth will make this book relevant to businesses at any stage of their growth. With clear language and a practical and repeatable methodology, this book will be a useful tool for anyone interested in designing and implementing strategy.” ― Guy Bates, Cyfarwyddwr Portffolio/Portfolio Director, Development Bank of Wales

“Jon and Rupert’s passion for value creation jumps out of every page. They are inherently teachers with high degrees of self-awareness and reflection on just how difficult this is. To you, the reader, they are honest – this is an immensely challenging and never-ending process to build better organisations. With genuine care they have provided a guide of distilled wisdom that should be a constant friend and companion. This is a book that needs re-reading, book marking, dog-earring and to be actively practiced. In doing so, you’ll see the clear intent of the authors to pass on their accumulated wisdom and that of many others to give you the best chance of breakout success.” ― Tom Redpath, Senior Principal, TowerBrook Capital Partners

“A challenging and thought provoking read that is a must have for any CEO in the PE environment. It is concise, factual and jargon busting. It contains a step-by-step guide to formulating your strategy, and most importantly offers the tools with clear insight in how to execute and deliver it. As the CEO of Nexgen, with Jon as our Chair, I have lived, tried, tested and executed our value creation plan based on the easily digestible and guiding principles set out in this book.” ― Mark Little, CEO, Nexgen Group

About the Author

Rupert Morrison is the Founder and CEO of Arahi, where he advises CEOs and management teams on how to leverage technology to craft and execute groundbreaking strategies. Prior to this, he was Founder and CEO of Concentra Analytics, a leading analytics company recognised for its innovation by the Sunday Times FastTrack Tech 100, and led the creation of OrgVue, a platform solution for HR analytics, organization design and workforce planning, which was selected as one of four Gartner Cool Vendors in the Human Capital Management field from across the globe.

Based in London, UK, Rupert Morrison is also an international conference speaker and industry writer whose contributions have featured in Forbes, The Telegraph and the FT. He is the author of Data-Driven Organization Design, Organizational Planning and Analysis and Strategic Value Creation, all published with Kogan Page.

Jon Andrew is co-founder of Arahi. He has over 30 years’ experience in value creation, working alongside CEOs and management teams. He has written more than fifty 100-day plans and set up and managed value enhancement teams for two private equity firms. He has extensive chairmanship experience. He provides training on value creation for the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) and is a regular contributor to PEPTalks, a peer-to-peer learning company dedicated to supporting private equity backed leaders.

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