Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: Modern Trade-Off Analyses for Distributed Architectures

Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: Modern Trade-Off Analyses for Distributed Architectures 1st Edition
Author: Neal Ford ,Mark Richards ,Pramod Sadalage,Zhamak Dehghani
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ O’Reilly Media; 1st edition (November 16,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 464 pages
ISBN-10: 1492086894
ISBN-13: 9781492086895

Book Description

There are no easy decisions in software architecture. Instead,there are many hard parts–difficult problems or issues with no best practices–that force you to choose among various compromises. With this book,you’ll learn how to think critically about the trade-offs involved with distributed architectures.
Architecture veterans and practicing consultants Neal Ford,Mark Richards,Pramod Sadalage,and Zhamak Dehghani discuss strategies for choosing an appropriate architecture. By interweaving a story about a fictional group of technology professionals–the Sysops Squad–they examine everything from how to determine service granularity,manage workflows and orchestration,manage and decouple contracts,and manage distributed transactions to how to optimize operational characteristics,such as scalability,elasticity,and performance.
By focusing on commonly asked questions,this book provides techniques to help you discover and weigh the trade-offs as you confront the issues you face as an architect.
Analyze trade-offs and effectively document your decisionsMake better decisions regarding service granularityUnderstand the complexities of breaking apart monolithic applicationsManage and decouple contracts between servicesHandle data in a highly distributed architectureLearn patterns to manage workflow and transactions when breaking apart applications

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