Smart Cities: Reimagining the Urban Experience

Smart Cities: Reimagining the Urban Experience
by Paul Doherty(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ASQ Quality Press (April 13, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 154 pages
ISBN-10: 1636941109
ISBN-13: 9781636941103

Book Description

In a post-pandemic world, amid environmental crises, and advances in technology, the dynamics of what the average city looks like have called for change, leaving governments and policymakers to reimagine urban planning and development. In Smart Cities: Reimagining the Urban Experience, Paul Doherty shares his organization’s “secret sauce” recipe to marry information technology infrastructure-design thinking-with sustainable development goals (SDGs) for building smart cities. Paul dives into strategies, master plans, work templates, and real-world examples. This book will disrupt existing paradigms to offer practitioners, urban developers, and policymakers some solutions to creating greater social responsibility in a human-centric, data-driven world.

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