Signals, Instrumentation, Control, and Machine Learning: An Integrative Introduction
Author: Joseph Bentsman (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: World Scientific Publishing Company
Publication Date 出版日期: 2022-07-08
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 844 pages
ISBN-10: 981125186X
ISBN-13: 9789811251863
Book Description
This book stems from a unique and a highly effective approach to introducing signal processing, instrumentation, diagnostics, filtering, control, system integration, and machine learning.It presents the interactive industrial grade software testbed of mold oscillator that captures the distortion induced by beam resonance and uses this testbed as a virtual lab to generate input-output data records that permit unravelling complex system behavior, enhancing signal processing, modeling, and simulation background, and testing controller designs.All topics are presented in a visually rich and mathematically well supported, but not analytically overburdened format. By incorporating software testbed into homework and project assignments, the narrative guides a reader in an easily followed step-by-step fashion towards finding the mold oscillator disturbance removal solution currently used in the actual steel production, while covering the key signal processing, control, system integration, and machine learning concepts.The presentation is extensively class-tested and refined though the six-year usage of the book material in a required engineering course at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Amazon page